Friday, December 11, 2009

My lady dresses up & puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?

i think shes meeting sancho because she hardly dresses like that for me or her everyday lifeMy lady dresses up %26amp; puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?
Theres nothing wrong with a women wanting to look her best.I never leave home without makeup my husband would rather me look like i take care of myself instead of looking like a scrag!!My lady dresses up %26amp; puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?
She is getting attention from other men that you are not giving her. Women are emotional creatures and we crave attention as simple as a morning kiss to a phone call in the afternoon, to sweaty hot sex in the middle of the night. Pay attention to her and I don't mean just her looks.
i dress up and wear make up 2 work when im home i dont make up maybe u r insecure

Are makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?

I always loved makeup and had dreams of being a makeup artist....I think I apply makeup well but would like to get some kind of training to get my foot in the door. on yahoo I came across HEX makeup artist school but its just a one day class...I just want to know if this a good place to go to get some training....

Thanx DajaAre makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?
Go for it.

ETAre makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?
one day? i dont think u can really learn that much in one day. i'm taking once a week class but its 3hr long.
No way. Don't do it. You need at least 6 - 10 classes. and also having said that, you need to practice. its one thing to do your own make up, but to apply makeup on someone esle is an entirely different thing.
I'd try it.

Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?

So I want to become a makeup artist, but not in a salon or anything, just freelance stuff. I don't know very much about makeup right now, but it just intrigues me. :]

What kind of classes do I need to take? Can I take them online?

Also, I know that when you take the classes you get a certificate...what is this certificate called? I found a online cosmetology school and just want to make sure its not a scam. This is the link:

Anyway, how does this whole program work? Please answer. I'll choose a best answer. If you need more details, just answer with your question and I'll post extra details. :]Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?
Don't do a Online school. It won't be recongized by the state board. You need the class time hours, and the experiance with real clients. It's a hands on course. The ';certificate'; in the US is called a License. But anywhere else, Like in the UK or Australia, It's called Certificate, as far as I know. You can take a Esthetics course, which is skin, and also includes make up. In most states, You don't need a license for make up, and can probley take a few classes at your local Cosmetology school...There is also a few Make up Schools out there too. Just look around, and google it...There is one in California(I think it is.), called M.U.D. or something like that.Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?

well im only 14 so i dont know muchh,

but i want to be a makeup artist as well

aaaand i really want to go to Napolean Perdis Makeup Academy

its just like courses you take and you only have to be 16

my mums friend went there and ended up in L.A doing makeup for models and stuff

sounds cool to me :)

i know theyre are some in Australia, which is where i assume you are?

I live in melbourne so i'll go to the one in Toorak

just google Napolean Perdis Makeup Academy

hope i helped.


Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?

This year I am taking formal dancing classes at my middle school (everyone is doing it.. lol)

The guys have to wear jackets and ties; so the girls obviously have to wear dresses and half to look nice (no spaghetti straps)

I'm having trouble finding low cost dresses (nothing over $40)

can anyone tell me where to find some cute junior dresses in that price range (formal, or dressy)

and also, how should I do my hair and makeup?

thanks :)Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
Here are some cute dresses, all under $45 and gorgeous. This blue dress from american apparel ( ) is preppy yet formal, and so is this bandanna dress

Wear ya hair wavy and add dramatic color eye makeup

xFormal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
try mandee, their dresses are super cheap.

i got a really cute dress from juniors macy's. it was originally $69, but then my mom brought out all of the coupons so it ended up only being $40. so many you could find some coupons?

debs juniors have some cheap ones, but their okay looking. you might find a cute one.

you could just walk around the mall and when you pass a dress shop just go in. that's what i do with my friends.

for your hair, you could straighten it or scrunch it. i'm sure it would look great anyway. just put on a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. don't over-do it.
For your dress you should go to DEB they have really cute, affordable dresses and makeup i would just go basic and for her maybe curl it in loose curls. Hope I Helped.

The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona. Fee for classes?

So I know I can find out the cost of classes by contacting someone from the school but I want to find out now and its too late to conact them. So does anyone know how much it costs to attend classes at The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona?The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona. Fee for classes?
i dont know. but go to a school where everything is expensive! you'll have a better rep when u graduate! i only go with stylists from prestigous backrounds, thats why i look so fab!

hey answer my question:鈥?/a>
  • losing hair
  • Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Makeup, Jogging is Gym class?

    Today in P.E. we had to jog/walk/run to get at least 3,000 steps(digiwalker thing) when i stoped running my face felt like it was literally on fire(and tight), and my entire face was seriously as red as a beet. Well when I normally am running and walking, my face gets maybe a little pink, but not really. and usally its just my cheeks. so i was thinking it might be my liquid coverup, because sometimes I don't wear it. the brand is Mary Kay. I like it, but i wonder if, since my entire face was extremely red, that it was the coverups faut. i wasn't even sprinting. i was just walking and jogging, and it wasn't even hard (i'm in good shape). so what do you think caused this. it seems when i wear a liquid coverup, my face tends to get more red when excersicing, then when I'm not wearing liquid coverup, just powder. and has this ever happened to you?Makeup, Jogging is Gym class?
    When as I know we shouldn't wear any make up while exercise cause the make up + our sweat will make our skin irritate even make u allergy sometime.

    Well then i suggest we should clean your face before gym.

    Hope it help.