Saturday, December 5, 2009

Where can i find free makeup classes?

The cosmetic counters at the mall usually do free makeovers and show you how to apply it for free.Where can i find free makeup classes?
I' m not sure where, but I'm know somewhere at your local mall. I can tell you how to apply make- up. It is easy, but it takes practice, because you don' t want to have on too much. You must ask a friend or family member what it looks like.


(1. Wash, tone , and moisturize) (2. concealer) (3. foundation) (4. powder) (5. eyeshadow) (6. eyeliner) (7. mascara) (8. blush) (9. lip-liner) (10. lip gloss)

If you need more info. go to your local mall to and they should give you a free make over. Ask questions and take notes!

Hope I' ve been of assistance!

Jassma_92@yahoo.comWhere can i find free makeup classes?
Ulta 3 always has m/up demonstrations.
The mall cosmetic counters can help, but remember everyone has their own style of applying makeup and every cosmetic counter has different ways of using their products. I used to work for 3 different cosmetic companys and they all trained their employees differently.
Origins stores
ask someone who wears makeup
Call a Mary Kay Consultant near you and arrange a class. You get to earn free products too!!
Mary Kay consultants are always having meetings where they do facials and make up consultations and they show you how to put it on and stuff, and how to paint your nails and do pedicures, and it's always free! You can even do it with your friends and earn free products. Go to to search for a consultant in your area. They would love to help you out!

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