Saturday, December 5, 2009

I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?

So which makeup kit would be the best one to buy? I want to buy one online as soon as possible so i can get started practicing. My makeup right now is really limited and i just want to be able to have one big kit to satisfy my beginner needs!! Please help!!I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?;鈥?/a>

Please help me out and answer. All opinions accepted!I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?
Thats really stupid of you to post a link to your own question on someone else's question. Report Abuse

I have read reviews on some of their pre-designed kits.

They have alot of makeup in it as well.

You should check it out.

coastal scents

sephora palette

since youre new
I think coastal scents would be great for you, its like a step down from mac.

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