Friday, December 11, 2009

Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?

This year I am taking formal dancing classes at my middle school (everyone is doing it.. lol)

The guys have to wear jackets and ties; so the girls obviously have to wear dresses and half to look nice (no spaghetti straps)

I'm having trouble finding low cost dresses (nothing over $40)

can anyone tell me where to find some cute junior dresses in that price range (formal, or dressy)

and also, how should I do my hair and makeup?

thanks :)Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
Here are some cute dresses, all under $45 and gorgeous. This blue dress from american apparel ( ) is preppy yet formal, and so is this bandanna dress

Wear ya hair wavy and add dramatic color eye makeup

xFormal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
try mandee, their dresses are super cheap.

i got a really cute dress from juniors macy's. it was originally $69, but then my mom brought out all of the coupons so it ended up only being $40. so many you could find some coupons?

debs juniors have some cheap ones, but their okay looking. you might find a cute one.

you could just walk around the mall and when you pass a dress shop just go in. that's what i do with my friends.

for your hair, you could straighten it or scrunch it. i'm sure it would look great anyway. just put on a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. don't over-do it.
For your dress you should go to DEB they have really cute, affordable dresses and makeup i would just go basic and for her maybe curl it in loose curls. Hope I Helped.

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