Friday, December 11, 2009

Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?

Today in P.E. we had to jog/walk/run to get at least 3,000 steps(digiwalker thing) when i stoped running my face felt like it was literally on fire(and tight), and my entire face was seriously as red as a beet. Well when I normally am running and walking, my face gets maybe a little pink, but not really. and usally its just my cheeks. so i was thinking it might be my liquid coverup, because sometimes I don't wear it. the brand is Mary Kay. I like it, but i wonder if, since my entire face was extremely red, that it was the coverups faut. i wasn't even sprinting. i was just walking and jogging, and it wasn't even hard (i'm in good shape). so what do you think caused this. it seems when i wear a liquid coverup, my face tends to get more red when excersicing, then when I'm not wearing liquid coverup, just powder. and has this ever happened to you?

Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?
There is a small chance that your skin could have been irritated by the make up, but this would show up an hour after you put it on- not just when you run.

Coverup is also only applied to certain little area- not all over the face. If it was the coverup- you'd get irritation spots only where you used it.

I would give the makeup one more chance in a few days.

You really shouldn't be wearing makeup for the gym anyway if you plan on working up a sweat. You shower after anyway so I'd take it off with a makeup remover towlette before you get active.Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?

Liquid make up litterly covers, so it makes it hard for your skin to breath.

Thus, red skin.

Maybe, wear powder than wash it off after gym and than put your liquid on? Or, take it easy in the class.

OR, try and ask if you can bring a bottle of water(that YOU paid for) with you, since you tend to overheat?

just dont wear make up b4 that class or at all and wait till u cool off
okay, first- liquid cover-up in my opinion is a waste of money except for spot treatments when you breakout. the powder works wonders, and you can carry it in your pocket and re-apply.

i don't know what might have caused this, but it could be that the cover-up clogged your sweat glands, causing little to no sweat to come through, thus making your heart and brain pump more blood to your head to pump the sweat out.

just a guess, but very scientific. if i were you, i'd keep stridex, or nuetrogena pads in my locker, wipe off the cover-up before P.E. and re-apply after.
It might be possible that you are clogging up pores with liquid foundation. Or that your skin has had an allergic reaction to the type you were wearing.

Try leaving off foundation and all that stuff for a couple of days (You could still use eyeliner and mascara but just keep it to a minimum). If your still worried about it then, go and talk to your doctor or school nurse. (Well, maybe not the nurse then!)

Good luck, hope you find out the problem and just have fun! (In life, that is, not with your foundation!)

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