Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?

In swim practice this morning my right shoulder started hurting during backstroke and then it bothered me the whole time. When I use it it hurts. I am a competitive year round swimmer and I want to know what you think happened? Thanks!Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?
You could have just strained it, or pulled a muscle, could be tendonitis. just rest it for a few days. And icy hot is real helpful. good luck hope your arm gets better :)

if it doesnt get better in a few days, i would suggest going to a doctor :)Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?
uh i guess its not realy osmething i can answer but if ur in pain then i guess u hurt it at swim put som ice on it tho

answer mine please?;…
Maybe who knows.Hope you feel beter though. :).
thats not something you can ask us.
you probably pulled a muscle/strained it.
Maybe you pulled a muscle.
umm maybe
umm u probably popped something... uh I don't know. I would suggest going to see a chyropractor.

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