Thursday, December 3, 2009

How can i take off my makeup in class?

i take off my makeup before i get home,

and i used to always go to the bathroom 5th and 6th period..

but i cant ALWAYS go to the bathroom! %26amp;

after school my mom expects me to come out 5 min max. after the bell rings (she waits for me)

so i cant take it off afterschool.

any suttle ways that i can take off my make up during class time?

like without the teacher noticing??

any tips, tricks, ideas??How can i take off my makeup in class?
Haha been there.

What I would always do is before class got out, I'd pull out some moisturizer (any will do) and apply it to my face focusing on where my makeup is. Then I'd pull out a kleenex and wipe it off.

Since most moisturizers are water based, they take makeup of super easily and effectively.

If your taking off eye liner though, be careful not to get it in your eye.How can i take off my makeup in class?
If you have a shiny pencil sharpener, use that as a mirror.

If the teacher is talking, don't risk much ..

If she's just at her desk, and you guys are working on something, just turn around and pretend you're talking to someone else.

Try to get a seat in the back of the room.

Sit up your binder or books and hide behind them slightly. Haha.

Even if your teacher sees you taking off your makeup, it isn't a criminal offense or anything. Just make a joke.
depends what kinda makeup do you use, and how much?

avoid waterproof mascara for obvious reasons(:

and good luck.鈥?/a>
Lemme guess, your probably in middle school?

Instead of sneaking it ask your mom if you would be allowed to wear very suttle make up. Its much easier than taking it off during class.
not really.

but vaseline works really well when it comes to taking off eyeliner or mascara.
baby oil works best, carry some with you.

%26amp; while your walking to the car just take it off with a tissue

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