Thursday, December 3, 2009

After gym class makeup\refresher?

I always spend a very good amount on my hair and face, but i need a little help after gym..

I have gym\P.E 5th period (last class of the day), and then for the other half of the year i have gym\P.E 1st period (first class of the day).

I come in school - all fresh and clean, and by 2nd period i'm all disgusting. My makeup sometimes even runs and my face gets shiny.

I'm going to bring eye makeup remover just to clean my eyes up, foundation to help my skin, lip gloss and a hair brush.

Do you think that's all i need?

Any tips for my hair or face?

(We only have LIMITED time to get ready and head to 2nd period or go home. Last year i didn't fix my makeup and i looked pretty bad, this year i don't want that to happen at all.)After gym class makeup\refresher?
make sure u dress really fast

if u wear sweatpants, wear jeans under it

and wear ur shirt under ur p.e shirtAfter gym class makeup\refresher?
get some oil blotting sheets. those do wonders. two kinds i know are elf's shine erasers (go to and orer online) or clean and clear oil absorbing sheets (go to any drugstore, skin care section)
I sometimes just end up beginning on sale and using tons products. Do what seems right and Im pretty sure your instinct will be best. I read reviews at
I had that same exact prob. Mine was 2nd all year.

You could wait till after second and do your make-up then. Thats what I did, it feels fresher than re-applying.

My friends system worked too, she just splashed her face with cold water, and patted it dry w/ a paper towel. Then lightly reapplied here foundation/and or powder.

All she would do was put on light eyeliner in the morning (that way it didn't run) and then put on a heavier coat %26amp; masscara after gym.
I'd suggest taking waterproof products that won't melt when you sweat, and lots of blotting paper. When you've blotted, press on some powder where you need it (probs T zone) and reapply any eyeliner/shadow/gloss if you need to. If it's all dripped down your face, it might be sensible to take it all off and just put on some concealer and mascara quickly.
I would recommend that you keep your hair in a pony tail during gym to keep it from getting too gross. Have some hair gel and extra hair accessories in your locker at all times. Things like elastics, ribbon, bobby pins, barrettes, and products. Always have deodorant on you at all times. Pack a scented body mist or fresh perfume. You definitely need the makeup remover pads on you. I suggest for makeup pressed powder, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipgloss. You could even not use the eyeliner, if you are in a crunch. Keep lotion in the locker too, you may need it. I also recommend a face towel. Hope you stay clean!

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