Friday, December 11, 2009

My lady dresses up & puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?

i think shes meeting sancho because she hardly dresses like that for me or her everyday lifeMy lady dresses up %26amp; puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?
Theres nothing wrong with a women wanting to look her best.I never leave home without makeup my husband would rather me look like i take care of myself instead of looking like a scrag!!My lady dresses up %26amp; puts on alot makeup like going on a date only when going to college classes. whats up?
She is getting attention from other men that you are not giving her. Women are emotional creatures and we crave attention as simple as a morning kiss to a phone call in the afternoon, to sweaty hot sex in the middle of the night. Pay attention to her and I don't mean just her looks.
i dress up and wear make up 2 work when im home i dont make up maybe u r insecure

Are makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?

I always loved makeup and had dreams of being a makeup artist....I think I apply makeup well but would like to get some kind of training to get my foot in the door. on yahoo I came across HEX makeup artist school but its just a one day class...I just want to know if this a good place to go to get some training....

Thanx DajaAre makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?
Go for it.

ETAre makeup artist one day classes or workshops scams or worth the money?
one day? i dont think u can really learn that much in one day. i'm taking once a week class but its 3hr long.
No way. Don't do it. You need at least 6 - 10 classes. and also having said that, you need to practice. its one thing to do your own make up, but to apply makeup on someone esle is an entirely different thing.
I'd try it.

Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?

So I want to become a makeup artist, but not in a salon or anything, just freelance stuff. I don't know very much about makeup right now, but it just intrigues me. :]

What kind of classes do I need to take? Can I take them online?

Also, I know that when you take the classes you get a certificate...what is this certificate called? I found a online cosmetology school and just want to make sure its not a scam. This is the link:

Anyway, how does this whole program work? Please answer. I'll choose a best answer. If you need more details, just answer with your question and I'll post extra details. :]Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?
Don't do a Online school. It won't be recongized by the state board. You need the class time hours, and the experiance with real clients. It's a hands on course. The ';certificate'; in the US is called a License. But anywhere else, Like in the UK or Australia, It's called Certificate, as far as I know. You can take a Esthetics course, which is skin, and also includes make up. In most states, You don't need a license for make up, and can probley take a few classes at your local Cosmetology school...There is also a few Make up Schools out there too. Just look around, and google it...There is one in California(I think it is.), called M.U.D. or something like that.Makeup Artist Questions...Certificate? Classes? Etc.?

well im only 14 so i dont know muchh,

but i want to be a makeup artist as well

aaaand i really want to go to Napolean Perdis Makeup Academy

its just like courses you take and you only have to be 16

my mums friend went there and ended up in L.A doing makeup for models and stuff

sounds cool to me :)

i know theyre are some in Australia, which is where i assume you are?

I live in melbourne so i'll go to the one in Toorak

just google Napolean Perdis Makeup Academy

hope i helped.


Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?

This year I am taking formal dancing classes at my middle school (everyone is doing it.. lol)

The guys have to wear jackets and ties; so the girls obviously have to wear dresses and half to look nice (no spaghetti straps)

I'm having trouble finding low cost dresses (nothing over $40)

can anyone tell me where to find some cute junior dresses in that price range (formal, or dressy)

and also, how should I do my hair and makeup?

thanks :)Formal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
Here are some cute dresses, all under $45 and gorgeous. This blue dress from american apparel ( ) is preppy yet formal, and so is this bandanna dress

Wear ya hair wavy and add dramatic color eye makeup

xFormal Dancing classes - Dress, hair/makeup?
try mandee, their dresses are super cheap.

i got a really cute dress from juniors macy's. it was originally $69, but then my mom brought out all of the coupons so it ended up only being $40. so many you could find some coupons?

debs juniors have some cheap ones, but their okay looking. you might find a cute one.

you could just walk around the mall and when you pass a dress shop just go in. that's what i do with my friends.

for your hair, you could straighten it or scrunch it. i'm sure it would look great anyway. just put on a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. don't over-do it.
For your dress you should go to DEB they have really cute, affordable dresses and makeup i would just go basic and for her maybe curl it in loose curls. Hope I Helped.

The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona. Fee for classes?

So I know I can find out the cost of classes by contacting someone from the school but I want to find out now and its too late to conact them. So does anyone know how much it costs to attend classes at The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona?The Skin and Makeup Institute of Arizona. Fee for classes?
i dont know. but go to a school where everything is expensive! you'll have a better rep when u graduate! i only go with stylists from prestigous backrounds, thats why i look so fab!

hey answer my question:鈥?/a>
  • losing hair
  • Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Makeup, Jogging is Gym class?

    Today in P.E. we had to jog/walk/run to get at least 3,000 steps(digiwalker thing) when i stoped running my face felt like it was literally on fire(and tight), and my entire face was seriously as red as a beet. Well when I normally am running and walking, my face gets maybe a little pink, but not really. and usally its just my cheeks. so i was thinking it might be my liquid coverup, because sometimes I don't wear it. the brand is Mary Kay. I like it, but i wonder if, since my entire face was extremely red, that it was the coverups faut. i wasn't even sprinting. i was just walking and jogging, and it wasn't even hard (i'm in good shape). so what do you think caused this. it seems when i wear a liquid coverup, my face tends to get more red when excersicing, then when I'm not wearing liquid coverup, just powder. and has this ever happened to you?Makeup, Jogging is Gym class?
    When as I know we shouldn't wear any make up while exercise cause the make up + our sweat will make our skin irritate even make u allergy sometime.

    Well then i suggest we should clean your face before gym.

    Hope it help.

    Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    contact these people. they are fantastic at make up and are from your area... They know how to do airbrush make up and many other facets of make up... They would know what you should do. Good luck...

    Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    Here's one...鈥?/a>

    Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    You have to have a state license so you can call a Community college and find out the requirements

    Makeup classes?

    Does any one know a place in philadelphia that teaches how to do a makeup? I'm looking for a workshop or one day class or something like this... I can just find degree course (which would take me 4 years to learn how to do a make up!) :PMakeup classes?
    Nicole Miller has an instructional beauty book for about $10. If you'd like to purchase it and try her products until you find the right shades for you (with a money-back guaratee), feel free to contact me.
  • losing hair
  • Makeup Classes??

    Has anyone taken a professional makeup class? If so, what did you learn, what did they teach you, how well did you during the class, and how are you now? Im interested in improving my own techniques. I want to focus more on eyes and brows.

    Thanks alot:)Makeup Classes??
    I actually attended a professional makeup artistry school several years ago. I'm out of college now. We learned everything from eyebrow shaping, special pencil sharpening to draw on individual hairs realistically, different forms of makeup, highlight and contour, eyelash application, custom color mixing, art courses, special effects, airbrushing, print makeup, film makeup, etc. I loved it. I'd go back all over again if I could. My course was a 3 month course but i've also done weekend courses since graduating. I highly recommend taking makeup courses because you have a seasoned pro able to look over your work and tell you what you are doing wrong and how you can improve. That's extremely valuable plus you have someone teaching you what would have taken you several years of trial and error to learn. If you just want a short term course there are several reputable artists out there that teach courses. If you are in the Midwest there is a very talented artist by the name of Candace Corey who teaches a course. If you are near New York MUD does some weekend workshops. New York also has Kevin James Bennett courses you can take and The powder group offers courses. If you are near LA then Westmore Academy and MUD both offer weekend courses. The best training you can get in brows is from the Westmore Academy. The westmores invented the original brow shaping protocol that everyone uses today and they invented a special way to sharpen/shave a pencil so that when you use it on an eyebrow it draws individual hairs making it look lifelike. It's a very interesting course if you can get into it. They also do the eyebrow course for esthetic conferences.Makeup Classes??
    Look in your local phone book for artists with verfiable training not linked to a makeup company. You can pay for a one on one lesson. Report Abuse

    I never have taken a class. But i've been wearing and doing make-up for quite a while. I do make-up for wedding parties as well as individual events. People say i do well. So i guess i'm pretty good.

    Here's some of my tips to help you improve:

    Step #1: Beginning with a clean dry face, apply moisturizer and foundation make-up. The base eyeshadow is then applied with a large flat eyeshadow brush, covering the entire eyelid from lash line to brow. (You can't mess this one up.)

    By applying this base color, your other colors will blend much easier, and the shading will look much more natural. It also protects from creasing as the day progresses.

    Step#2: Choose two eyeshadow shades (a main shade, plus a darker shade that will blend together well).

    Example: Lighte, and Darker.

    Beginning with the lighter shade, and using a smaller bevelled eyebrow brush, apply the eyeshadow to the crease of the eye, spreading it in a half-moon shape.

    Make sure you choose the right colors to suit there individual skin tones!!

    Step#3: Using the darkest shade, apply and blend at the outside corner of the eye in the shape of a ';V';, laying on its' side. This frames the eye and adds depth to the eyelid.

    Step#4: Using your large soft eyeshadow brush apply a small amount of the base eyeshadow to the entire lid to blend all of the colors softly. Don't over-blend.

    Step#5: With a large soft bristled brush apply a highlighter to the eyelid below the crease and along the brow bone to create a ';Betty Davis'; look. Use a yellow shade for darker complexion and white for lighter complexion and to reduce evidence of wrinkles on older skin. To further reduce wrinkles, apply the white eyeshadow around whole eye area.

    Now you are ready to finish the eyes with eyeliner and lots of mascara.

    I'm not so good with eyebrows. However, i found this site that is really informing.

    Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you can take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    try or googleWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    lookup in google

    Can you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?

    i guess there is a school offering such as vocational or technical learning skills. It is also an alternative for you to have a degree or something completed from school.

    Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?

    Today in P.E. we had to jog/walk/run to get at least 3,000 steps(digiwalker thing) when i stoped running my face felt like it was literally on fire(and tight), and my entire face was seriously as red as a beet. Well when I normally am running and walking, my face gets maybe a little pink, but not really. and usally its just my cheeks. so i was thinking it might be my liquid coverup, because sometimes I don't wear it. the brand is Mary Kay. I like it, but i wonder if, since my entire face was extremely red, that it was the coverups faut. i wasn't even sprinting. i was just walking and jogging, and it wasn't even hard (i'm in good shape). so what do you think caused this. it seems when i wear a liquid coverup, my face tends to get more red when excersicing, then when I'm not wearing liquid coverup, just powder. and has this ever happened to you?

    Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?
    There is a small chance that your skin could have been irritated by the make up, but this would show up an hour after you put it on- not just when you run.

    Coverup is also only applied to certain little area- not all over the face. If it was the coverup- you'd get irritation spots only where you used it.

    I would give the makeup one more chance in a few days.

    You really shouldn't be wearing makeup for the gym anyway if you plan on working up a sweat. You shower after anyway so I'd take it off with a makeup remover towlette before you get active.Makeup, jogging in P.E. class?

    Liquid make up litterly covers, so it makes it hard for your skin to breath.

    Thus, red skin.

    Maybe, wear powder than wash it off after gym and than put your liquid on? Or, take it easy in the class.

    OR, try and ask if you can bring a bottle of water(that YOU paid for) with you, since you tend to overheat?

    just dont wear make up b4 that class or at all and wait till u cool off
    okay, first- liquid cover-up in my opinion is a waste of money except for spot treatments when you breakout. the powder works wonders, and you can carry it in your pocket and re-apply.

    i don't know what might have caused this, but it could be that the cover-up clogged your sweat glands, causing little to no sweat to come through, thus making your heart and brain pump more blood to your head to pump the sweat out.

    just a guess, but very scientific. if i were you, i'd keep stridex, or nuetrogena pads in my locker, wipe off the cover-up before P.E. and re-apply after.
    It might be possible that you are clogging up pores with liquid foundation. Or that your skin has had an allergic reaction to the type you were wearing.

    Try leaving off foundation and all that stuff for a couple of days (You could still use eyeliner and mascara but just keep it to a minimum). If your still worried about it then, go and talk to your doctor or school nurse. (Well, maybe not the nurse then!)

    Good luck, hope you find out the problem and just have fun! (In life, that is, not with your foundation!)

    Can I makeup classes in high school by taking the same classes online with Kentucky virtual high school?


    I'm a sophomore in high school and I have a GPA of 3.43. I've been wanting to take online classes through Kentucky Virtual High school. I wanted to retake the classes I hadn't gotten an A in so I could bring up my GPA to a 4.0. Do you think my school would let me replace the grade I got before with the grade I got in the online class?? Keep in mind my school is like one of the worst schools in Kentucky so these online classes would be very hard for meCan I makeup classes in high school by taking the same classes online with Kentucky virtual high school?
    First, you'll have to check the accreditation of the Kentucky Virtual High School. If they are fully accredited ask your school registrar if they will accept the courses taken there as transfer credits. If so, you're all set.

    Can someone direct me where to find a Makeup artistry classes in the south suburbs of chicago?

    I'm having a had time just finding a makeup schoolCan someone direct me where to find a Makeup artistry classes in the south suburbs of chicago?
    I googled it, here's a link鈥?/a>

    This is near Chicago.

  • losing hair
  • Makeup School/Classes?

    I really want to learn how to do makeup better, buuuut, I do not want to do it as a career so I was wondering if anyone knew classes or a school that teaches makeup/cosmetology to people who aren't really interested in doing it as a living, but just want to know how to do it for their own personal use. thanks(:Makeup School/Classes?

    dropping #300 on a class is a waste

    go on youtubeMakeup School/Classes?
    I love makeup a LOT and I'm considering doing it for a living (of course I'd get another job too to support myself) but what I do is something you can do too. Go on Youtube and watch makeup tutorials. There are tons of ladies who go on there and post videos with tutorials.I started watching them in the summer and each week I'd teach myself a new look or technique and now my friends and family are saying that I am getting better and better. I watch at least 1 tutorial everyday even if I don't plan on replicating it, just to watch how they blend the shadows and what tips they have. If you get an account you can subscribe to them so each time you go on Youtube you can see the latest video uploaded and you can message them with your questions.

    Just watch the people who know a thing or two already because they will be more skilled in helping you and you will be able to learn from them better. I also watch people who like makeup like me, but I'd first recommend seeing the more advanced people first because they will be able to teach you makeup better because they have experience.

    Here are some people I watch:鈥?/a>

    All the best!!
    Faces offers makeup lessons for cheap

    check it out
    Most salons will offer a make-up class for around $50 where they will teach you how to properly apply make-up.
    just go to a department store and ask them...they are willing to help...although it might help if you buy something from them after, that will make them happy :D lol
    Get a job at like the mac counter at macys or nordstroms they will teach you.

    Anyone know where you can go to take classes to learn ';how to'; makeup techniques?

    Most of the better department stores like Macy's or Nordstroms at the cosmetics counter, Merle Norman, too.Anyone know where you can go to take classes to learn ';how to'; makeup techniques?
    Sephora, Loreal, and MAC.Anyone know where you can go to take classes to learn ';how to'; makeup techniques?
    check w/your local cosmetology college, or at a local salon. they sometimes give mini classes.
    no, but i would go to a department store. ask for a for some tips if that's all your looking for, they should give you some good pointers and tips. but if your looking for some intense stuff you may want to consider taking a course at a beauty college.
    my theatre arts class. miss gardners gonna teach us make up stuff soon
    Most department stores offer make up techniques . Just tell them you want to try their products to see how they look and feel on you.

    If you like then you can buy them. Or not.

    I want to become an makeup artist, but I need classes in the San Fernando Valley or in the area?

    Makeup school/classes in San Diego?

    What is a good makeup school/classes to go to in San Diego??? I have already attended The Makeup Institute. ThxMakeup school/classes in San Diego?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Hope this helps :).Makeup school/classes in San Diego?

    I want to do professional makeup classes on line? how do i start?

    ummmm you really cant... Part of makeup class is putting make up ON. How can you do that online?I want to do professional makeup classes on line? how do i start?
    i dont know if you can, make-up is kind of hands on.... i would go to your local cosmetology school and do some classes there.... and then you would know you are professionally licesened to do make-upI want to do professional makeup classes on line? how do i start?
    type it into a search engine like dogpile or Yahoo! or google. But 2 things, who is gonna be your test dummy and are you gonna be able to get help from a certified instructor? Some online schools are a scam so watch out!
    google it! its that easy!

    Are there any Makeup Artist classes for under 18's ?

    i was wondering if there was an actual class i could take for the art of makeup ;]

    i live in the LA, california area if you needed to knowAre there any Makeup Artist classes for under 18's ?
    yah i live in LA and i teach classesAre there any Makeup Artist classes for under 18's ?
    I would say you should take cosmetology classes, I learned a lot there at my high school.
    i think for marinello school of beauty you just have to be at least 17 years old.
    there are a lot of make-up schools in la. i think you only need to be 17.
  • losing hair
  • Any makeup classes in Fairfield,Vacaville, or Suisuin in CA?

    Hello. Ok,so like my mom and I live in Fairfield California,and we were wondering if ANYONE knew of any makeup classes that are going to be taught to ppl who want to know how much,where and color for makeup to apply. My mom was going to make us take a classes from Mary K,but the makeup is too expensive,and she wants to take a class where someone actually knows how to help you apply it to your own face so that you know how to apply it when you go out. So it would be sooo AWESOME if anyone could tell me where the class in,how much it cost and maybe the number? If not then just where it is.

    THANKS SOOO MUCH!!Any makeup classes in Fairfield,Vacaville, or Suisuin in CA?
    Have your Mom call a make-up counter in a mall department store. They do lessons for free.

    i.e. Clinique, etc.

    Describe the chemical makeup of the 2 major classes of hormones?

    steroid hormones are cholesterol derivatives: testosterone, estrogen, progesterone.

    Protein hormones are much larger macromolecules: insulin, glucagon, erythropoeitin.Describe the chemical makeup of the 2 major classes of hormones?
    The two major classes of hormones are: (1) steroid hormones, so named because they resemble the sterol cholesterol, and (2) peptide hormones, which are composed of amino acids.

    Makeup classes/lessons in CT.?

    Hi, I am 12 years old, and this summer I am allowed to start wearing makeup. I hear so many stories of how people's first year of makeup-wearing was so horrible because they didn't know how to put it on correctly. So, I was wondering if there is a such thing as a makeup class or lessons. Also, prices would help.

    Thank you so much, xoxo.Makeup classes/lessons in CT.?
    have ur mom call sephora and make u a free appointment to show u how to apply make up and introduce u to there productsMakeup classes/lessons in CT.?
    You can ask a parent or someone that already wears make to show the correct way how to use it. there is some beauty school but that is if you want it to be a professional job. it is better to learn how to wear make up fromsomeone close to you.
    if you have your make up done by a professional they talk all the products through with you and tell you ways to apply. i still think family are the best people to ask
    No there isn't sweetie.

    make up lessons from your mom or older friends i suppose!

    Other than that there isn't any make up classes or lessons.

    hope that helped!

    -Annie Anonymous

    Saturday, December 5, 2009

    Makeup classes???? eyes....?

    I want to learn how to do the smoky eye look and just other eye makeup. How do I go about or does anyone know where to go in dallas???????Makeup classes???? eyes....?
    Go to and search make up and eye make up they show you how to do really sexy eyes my fav is the arab cat eyes its the most exoticMakeup classes???? eyes....?
    Do they have Ulta cosmetic stores there? They will help you.
    I go to a make-up counter like Clinique or MAC and tell one of the make-up artist what sort of make-up I am looking for and ask them how to do it. If they aren't really busy with customers they are more then likely willing to help you out and show you how to do it. During the make-up sales and events is a good time to go because then you can get a bonus gift with your purchase, just ask when the next event is. But make sure you reserve a spot with them or else you may not be able to get a spot for the event.
    i havnt the slightest idea have you tryed going to your local hair place they sometimes have cosmetic classes.鈥?/a>

    There was a good instructional video here. The smokey eye doesn't look great on the woman in the video, but it will show you how to try it out on yourself. Practice it first, try it one night when your home before you get in the shower. Practice a couple of times so you are comfortable doing it, and you get just the look that you want. Good luck.
    you need a flat eyeshadow brush and some black eyeshadoww.

    or you can try a pencil eyeliner and use a cottonball and rub it on your top and bottom eyelid :)
    Use a cotton bud/smudger/finger on eyeliner, probably sticking to metallic greys for the smokey look.

    Some people say to use foundation on the eyelid fist to give it a base, but don't use too much as it helps all the shadow collect in the creases of your eyes, then you have to do a lot of touching up all day and get eyeshadow on your fingers- or is that just me? lol

    For most styles, start with a light coloured base and sweep it over the entire eye area, including under the eye from the inside out.(I find it's good to use a shiny or metallic one in the inside corners of your eyes as it makes them look brighter.) And then line the eye socket with a darker colour, using the natural shape of your eye; don't apply too much of a dark colour on the inside of the eye or you'll look like a panda that's been in a bar fight.

    If I'm going for the light look, I stick to a light shade and just apply eyeliner on the outer corners of the eye, and mascara.

    For the full on make-up, I usually use different shades of the same colour, or shades that compliment each other, golds, bronzes, pinks and purples, cream and brown etc. I always co-ordinate eye shadows with what I'm wearing, within reason.

    E.g. today I wore a very light metallic warm peachy cream eyeshadow all over the lid, lined it with a precision bronze powder and used a warm brown on the outer socket area.


    1]Always take your make-up off at night- otherwise you'll find your eyelashes fall out quicker and your pillow case black with mascara (Me? fall asleep drunk?! Never!)

    2]Don't overload the brush with powder eyeshadow- it goes everywhere.

    3]Experiment with different styles and colours until you're happy,

    4] ask a good friend for an honest opinion!
    ok, i was like that, but recently i when to my mom and asked her how to put on makeup. She said i could and we have a family friend who sales MaryKay makeup who would show it to me for free. Idk if there is someone in dallas, probably. Just ask your mom.
    go to youtube.

    I'm recently finished (theater makeup)classes and i would love to practice in that field....can anyone can t

    i'm recently finished (theater makeup)classes and i would love to practice in that field....can anyone could tell me where and how i can do that?

    i can do print, fashion makeup as well

    saturday and sundays are the best days for me thx a lotI'm recently finished (theater makeup)classes and i would love to practice in that field....can anyone can t
    Volunteer to help do makeup at a community theater, high school production, or anywhere else that might need someone who has knowledge about theater makeup. At my middle school we had someone come in to do makeup for a Halloween play called ';Monster Hotel'; (it was a really dumb play, but the costumes and makeup were awesome). It really helped having someone who knew their stuff show us how to use the makeup kit. Once you've gotten experience you can put it on your resume and take pictures for your portfolio and then apply for jobs at a professional company.I'm recently finished (theater makeup)classes and i would love to practice in that field....can anyone can t
    Volunteer anywhere makeup is needed. Talk to your local theater groups and see if they need anyone. Also if your interested in injury simulation talk to hospitals, police, fire dept and drunk driving awareness groups to see if they will be holding any disaster drills. If you have cable acess shows in your area contact them and let them know about your interests. Also try talking to anyone near you that films commercials.

    Make sure to take good clear pictures of everything you do so you can build a portfolio.

    Help!!!!!!!!! makeup classes?

    okie so i want to major in fashion. merchandising, event coordinating and so on and i want to know what to do and where to start im a junior in high school. i really want to take makeup classesssssssss and i wouldnt mind having experiences in fashion shows. anyyonee know how?Help!!!!!!!!! makeup classes?

    i love make-uppp%26lt;3

    help in the drama department at school,

    in the make-up area.Help!!!!!!!!! makeup classes?
    if you're in toronto, canada i can help

    if you're not you can try to volunteer @ loreal fashion week and other fashion shows. Go to their website and normally they've a form for volunteers to sign up.
  • losing hair
  • Makeup classes?

    Are there any places that have classes on learning how to apply makeup? Or something like that?Makeup classes?
    yeah try

    they have one day classes.

    I took an 8 month course a cinemake-up in Los Angeles. I learned all kinds of techniques.Makeup classes?
    you could go do a beauty school class

    M.A.C makeup classes?

    does anyone know where can i get more details to take makeup class for MAC makeup or any other information about MAC offering any makeup classes.M.A.C makeup classes?
    I think you actually have to be an employee of MAC and they then send you to their school
    You have to work at their store or counter (in a department store) Then they will send you to school. Go to the nearest store or counter and ask one of the MAC employees about it, they will be able to help you! Good luck!
    If you don't work for them you are SOL. But if you do, you have to be hired on as an artist, or be promoted to one. Then they send you to their school. If you are a user of their make-up, just ask an artist for help. If you go in with a clean face, they'll help you all they can- heck even if your face has make-up on it, they'll help!

    Or, if you want some in-depth help- and can afford it- schedule an appointment to have your make-up done. Just tell the artisit you would like them to walk you through the products they are using and how they are applying them and they will. They are great about that- and they'll write down any product you'd like to remember. You can even ask that they use certain products you own or want to buy so you can learn to use them.
    they offer classes for PRO members but other than that I haven't heard of any.

    MAC PRO is a ';club'; for professionals somehow involved in the makeup industry. You can join if you are a makeup artists, esthetician, cosmetologist, model, photographer, etc. I think it costs 465 a year, but you get a 30-40% dicount and have access to special products just for PRO members and the PRO classes. find at more at

    Makeup Classes in New York?

    Does anyone know which schools are famous for makeup classes in NYC (Manhattan)? The only one I know of is the Aveda Institute. Please let me know!Makeup Classes in New York?
    Sorry I don't live in NY I'd recommend posting this in Local Businesses NY and/or checking Yahoo Local

    Im looking for airbrushing classes, makeup artistry?

    i am looking for classes on-line, about make-up artistry using the new airbrushing techniqueIm looking for airbrushing classes, makeup artistry?
    I would look into online classes threw your local community college. There may not be classes focused just on airbrushing, but they will offer and teach that in any graphic design class! Good Luck! =)

    Makeup Classes in Michigan?

    Hey, just curious to know if anyone out there knows of a place in Michigan where I can take makeup classes? I am a cosmetologist so I do not need to go to beauty school I am just looking for strictly makeup lessons.

    Thanks!!Makeup Classes in Michigan?
    Sorry, they don't exist. I tried once and found that I had to go all the way through beauty school.Makeup Classes in Michigan?,1607,7-15鈥?/a>

    Hi, what you want to search for is Esthetician Classes.

    I was looking at the application for Michigan College of Beauty and there IS a box that you can check to train just for Esthetician classes. You can call them to clarify. Good Luck!

    Michigan College of Beauty鈥?/a>

    EDIT: Oh, HERE! I found one that offers an Esthetician Course! :)鈥?/a>
    Well - if you can not find a place to take a class such as a continuing education class you can always get a book written by a famous make-up artist. I suggest trying some research on Amazon or another bookstore online, that way you can see a lot of choices.

    Just a suggestion....
    idk sorry

    Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?

    Ok, in one of my classes at school, we are all going camping for 3 days, and were going up this friday (october 3), ok i know you really can't wear makeup while camping, but i guess i have low self confidence, and im going to be super embarrased not wearing it because im really pale from a sickness i have, and i have really dark circles under my eyes, and basically i really do not look decent without makeup (i get to the point were im so embarrased i can't look someone in the eyes while talking when im not wearing makeup) and im going with my class from school and two male teachers, so does anyone please have any suggestions on what i should do to not be so embarrased or look so pale or something, thanks if anyone could please help :)Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    Don't worry too much about it. Around a campfire everyone looks darker. But I wouldn't recommend holding a flashlight under your chin to tell ghost stories. =)Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    I would recommend using a mineral loose powder and nothing else. Cover Girl's TruBlend mineral based loose powder more than likely will do the trick - there's mica in it which gives you a nice healthy looking glow. It also is buildable coverage which works great on dark undereye circles (better than any other mineral based/mineral loose powder foundation I've tried), probably because the mica reflects light (which is a lot more effective at erasing dark circles than just trying to bury them under enough foundation).
    You need to start loving yourself for who you really are. Stop hiding behind a make up. I doubt you horrible without a make up on.
    Girl i go camping all the time!!! its okay to wear make up! all you need to do is to bring a mirror with you and make up remover wipes so it can get off easily. bring everything you would wear during school ( make-up wise) and put it on in the morning while everyone else is getting ready, or before everyone else is getting ready! :) and remember its okay to be yourself with or without makeup. ;-)
    I've been on camping trips with my school and no body cares if someone is wearing makeup or not.
    camping make up=natural look

    just bring a concealer for zits and under your eyes, a powder to eliminate shine, a facial moisturizer with SPF, a waterproof mascara, and LIP BALM!! DO NOT FORGET THE LIP BALM!!!spf 15 or higher please.

    that's the way to go at camp lol
    I go camping all of the time! I also bring my make-up with me. You can do your make-up while camping. If there is a bathroom there do it when you go to brush your teeth or bring a compact mirror and do it in your tent. Its a little difficult to do it there, but it is do-able. So unless they have a rule that you are going all out with camping then by all means bring the make up. Also, I have the same problem...Im pasty and have had dark circles since i was 12, im 21 now. I used Avon Solutions Lighten up plus eye cream and my circles have gotten a lot less noticeable. You can get it at for 12$ As far as your pale complexion use a liquid foundation followed by a powder and then wipe the face down gently with a tissue. Hope this helps!
    You can still wear makeup if you're camping. I do it all the time when my boyfriend and I go camping in the summer. I just don't like my skin all the time, so I make sure to bring a good moisturizer with me (that really helps make my skin smoother and healthier), and apply maybe less makeup then usual, but I still do. They do have bathrooms at campsites, so you will be able to do this if you want.

    If you wear a lot of makeup, including mascara, eyeliner, etc, then skip that completely (you won't need it and it takes too much time to apply). Just wear foundation that will even out your skin tone. And don't worry, I'm sure you look fine. There's nothing wrong with being pale. Bring lots of sunscreen!
  • losing hair
  • Taking some makeup classes?

    I love makeup. I love wearing it and putting it on people. I think it's really fun. I wanted to take some classes during the summer just for fun and so I could learn some more about applying it. I'm only 16. Any places I can take a makeup class?Taking some makeup classes?
    Wonderin the same thing. Hope for some good answers!Taking some makeup classes?

    I want website for makeup classes?

    hello everyone...i would like to doing makeup.i wanna be makeup %26amp; hair stylist. but i don't know abt any classes. i know some but those are really expensive. can you help me to sent me some website. i would like to do all types of makeup %26amp; hair. if you have your friends or familys member are in this fild. plz ask them.and help me to built-up my career. thank you very much :-)I want website for makeup classes?
    you cannot build a career in hair and makeup on a website you are going to have to attend cosmetology school in your area so you need to research schools... you cannot create hair design via the web,,, you can b uy products and learn other applicayions that further you in hair or make up but a simple website is not going to give you what you need to earn... plus all states in the us and through out ask for proof of licensure,,, before you get hired or go to workI want website for makeup classes?
    I am from Navi Mumbai. I know some basic things in makeup which I learnt out of own practice and with the help of information on various websites, sending mails to makeup artists and speaking to friends / people in this field. I can help you in understanding the basic things in makeup. You can mail your questions to me on makeup. I will be happy to reply you I had earlier searched and contacted some makeup artists in Mumbai. I also want to learn makeup artistry. The courses are very costly. If you are interested, we can speak to them and request to reduce the fees for two persons. Please let me know your contact details. My email address is
    These sites will help you:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    google it

    Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?

    In swim practice this morning my right shoulder started hurting during backstroke and then it bothered me the whole time. When I use it it hurts. I am a competitive year round swimmer and I want to know what you think happened? Thanks!Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?
    You could have just strained it, or pulled a muscle, could be tendonitis. just rest it for a few days. And icy hot is real helpful. good luck hope your arm gets better :)

    if it doesnt get better in a few days, i would suggest going to a doctor :)Did I hurt my shoulder? Please answer? Help!?
    uh i guess its not realy osmething i can answer but if ur in pain then i guess u hurt it at swim put som ice on it tho

    answer mine please?;…
    Maybe who knows.Hope you feel beter though. :).
    thats not something you can ask us.
    you probably pulled a muscle/strained it.
    Maybe you pulled a muscle.
    umm maybe
    umm u probably popped something... uh I don't know. I would suggest going to see a chyropractor.

    I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?

    So which makeup kit would be the best one to buy? I want to buy one online as soon as possible so i can get started practicing. My makeup right now is really limited and i just want to be able to have one big kit to satisfy my beginner needs!! Please help!!I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?;鈥?/a>

    Please help me out and answer. All opinions accepted!I want to become a makeup artist. I haven't taken any classes yet but i want to buy a kit to start. which one?
    Thats really stupid of you to post a link to your own question on someone else's question. Report Abuse

    I have read reviews on some of their pre-designed kits.

    They have alot of makeup in it as well.

    You should check it out.

    coastal scents

    sephora palette

    since youre new
    I think coastal scents would be great for you, its like a step down from mac.

    13 year old take makeup classes?


    I am 13 years old and I wanna learn to do makeup like a pro. Is their a way I can take a class somewhere or something? Can someone show me a website, I want to do this in the summer13 year old take makeup classes?
    try this site鈥?/a>

    good luck!!!


    also try this one year old take makeup classes?
    You can watch tutorials on youtube
    go to barbizon..its a modeling type class where they teach you all that stuff. try googling it.
    Taking a class is by far the best thing you can do. When I was 14 I went to modelling classes and makeup application was also part of that. I learned everything I needed to learn about makeup from these classes.

    Makeup classes in Brisbane?


    Does anyone know of any makeup classes in Brisbane where you can go at night or on the weekends that are reasonably cheap? I want to learn about makeup but don't want to go and do a tafe course or join a beauty school.

    Thanks!Makeup classes in Brisbane?
    Go to a cheap makeup dealer at the mall and get a quick makeup lesson, it will help you get an idea on how to do it.
  • losing hair
  • Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?

    Training is free and all the information you need to know how to get your business up and running is provided in your director's free trainings that are held weekly. If you have a desire to succeed or better your current life, just follow what's been proven to work that Mary Kay Ash taught.Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?
    Your starter kit contains a DVD, CD and reference material. We have a website with tutorials and much more there is someone to contact for any question you could possible have from legal and taxes to medical relations. Your Director will set up training and then from there you decide how much training you want . I recommend the weekly success meetings where you get support and ideas fun time with other consultant and yes training not all of these meeting are free the training is free but depending on where the director holds the training you might have to pay a small fee like $3 ask your consultant how that works in her unit if you have someone already helping you.Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?
    Nope, Mary Kay has some of the best free training I've ever found. I feel so blessed to be part of this program and my director is AMAZING!! She is the reason why I'm doing so well. I've noticed a lot of your questions, are you interested in starting up? This is the perfect time to get started because our big seminar is just around the corner. If you need more info let me know.

    A lot of the training costs a few dollars depending on the session. Regularily $5-$20 depending on the location and course. Some sessions are free. The costs are business write-offs.

    Can you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?

    yesCan you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?
    what do you mean by makeup? like beauty school or you want to make up the failed high school courses and get a diploma that way? because you HAVE to attend make ups to get the HS diplomaCan you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?
    Sure...but please consider your decision. Instead of going to beauty skill finish high school and go to can always go to beauty school...after...Trust me you don't want to be another struggling clinique counter make up artist.
    yes, I know a girl who did, they give you a test in make sure you get basics...

    Where to take makeup classes?

    hello! i want to be a makeup artist, and i was wondering where i can take any classes/workshops etc on makeup. any help? (i am still in high school so i probably cant take any university classes.)Where to take makeup classes?
    you could try a beauty college if there is one around your area...

    Should I take a theater make-up class college level? Want to be makeup artist....?

    Currently I am in cosmetology school (about to finish in the spring). When I graduate I really want to become a makeup artist/hairstylist for productions/print/runaway/etc.

    My question is, do you think it would be beneficial to take the theater makeup course at the local community college? I would have to cut back my hours at my job and so it would cost me not only the course fee but hours at my job and that is why I need to know if it will be worth it and get some more peoples opinions. Should I take a theater make-up class college level? Want to be makeup artist....?
    i would go for it!

    you'll learn techniques that you won't use everyday but it'll build your resume... not only that, you'll meet people in the make up biz.

    i hope that the makeup teacher at the community college can be more supportive of your goals. OK won't be the place where dreams in professional makeup usually occur, but i would get the most out of itShould I take a theater make-up class college level? Want to be makeup artist....?
    if you're interested in it at the professional level, a community college may not be the right fit. Since you're in cosmetology school, there are tons of resources to be found there! Ask some of the teachers to point you in the direction of classes that are targeted to what you're interested in. Also, there are probably several people you go to school with who have connections in the industry, and maybe you could shadow or apprentice to someone who is working in theater already!
    You might want to take a look at private makeup school. I'm unsure in oklahoma, but there's tons of them in toronto which are quite reasonable. You've to go to a pro sch so that you learn the right things without wasting time and money.

    Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    Try the yellow pagesWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    When I lived in my hometown, I never recall seeing such a school.

    Go to some of the stores in the Galleria that sell make-up and ask for their suggestions.

    Good luck and eat some BBQ for me!

    Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?

    Yes, would you like examples?Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?
    Yes, there's a few.

    Washington DC

    Raleigh, NC

    Charlotte, NC

    Richmond, VA

    Columbus, OH

    Obviously there's poverty in those cities like anywhere else, but the majority of people in those cities, black or white, are usually middle class.

    Riverside Terrace in Houston, TX is over 60% black and it's an expensive upper middle class neighborhood.Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?
    Martha's Vineyard is one of the traditional resorts of the country's African-American upper class. Due to a long history of racial harmony on the island, many black families started vacationing there a century ago. The center of black culture on Martha's Vineyard is the town of Oak Bluffs, where many affluent African American families own houses. Its main beach has been dubbed ';The Inkwell'; by African-American residents.

    I believe Prince Georges County is one. There are a bunch of them in Alanta and some in Chicago. The are areas in Detroit.
    What point are you trying to make?
  • losing hair
  • Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?

    Sometimes make-up counters at the mall such as Clinique or Lancome offer makeovers to customers. The consultants take classes on how to apply make-up and they can offer really good tips and techniques.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    Most make-up brands offer classes. Try going to your fave brands website to see if they offer any courses in your area.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    dont know
    A beauty school, it would be a part of esthetics training
    A great place to look is at local community and technical colleges. Most have programs for hair and makeup

    13 year old take makeup classes?


    I am 13 years old and I wanna learn to do makeup like a pro. Is their a way I can take a class somewhere or something? Can someone show me a website, I want to do this in the summer13 year old take makeup classes?
    try this site鈥?/a>

    good luck!!!


    also try this one year old take makeup classes?
    You can watch tutorials on youtube
    go to barbizon..its a modeling type class where they teach you all that stuff. try googling it.
    Taking a class is by far the best thing you can do. When I was 14 I went to modelling classes and makeup application was also part of that. I learned everything I needed to learn about makeup from these classes.

    Makeup classes in Brisbane?


    Does anyone know of any makeup classes in Brisbane where you can go at night or on the weekends that are reasonably cheap? I want to learn about makeup but don't want to go and do a tafe course or join a beauty school.

    Thanks!Makeup classes in Brisbane?
    Go to a cheap makeup dealer at the mall and get a quick makeup lesson, it will help you get an idea on how to do it.

    Can you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?

    yesCan you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?
    what do you mean by makeup? like beauty school or you want to make up the failed high school courses and get a diploma that way? because you HAVE to attend make ups to get the HS diplomaCan you atten makeup classes without finishing high school?
    Sure...but please consider your decision. Instead of going to beauty skill finish high school and go to can always go to beauty school...after...Trust me you don't want to be another struggling clinique counter make up artist.
    yes, I know a girl who did, they give you a test in make sure you get basics...

    Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?

    Training is free and all the information you need to know how to get your business up and running is provided in your director's free trainings that are held weekly. If you have a desire to succeed or better your current life, just follow what's been proven to work that Mary Kay Ash taught.Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?
    Your starter kit contains a DVD, CD and reference material. We have a website with tutorials and much more there is someone to contact for any question you could possible have from legal and taxes to medical relations. Your Director will set up training and then from there you decide how much training you want . I recommend the weekly success meetings where you get support and ideas fun time with other consultant and yes training not all of these meeting are free the training is free but depending on where the director holds the training you might have to pay a small fee like $3 ask your consultant how that works in her unit if you have someone already helping you.Do you have to pay for makeup classes if you join Mary Kay as a Consultant or is the training free?
    Nope, Mary Kay has some of the best free training I've ever found. I feel so blessed to be part of this program and my director is AMAZING!! She is the reason why I'm doing so well. I've noticed a lot of your questions, are you interested in starting up? This is the perfect time to get started because our big seminar is just around the corner. If you need more info let me know.

    A lot of the training costs a few dollars depending on the session. Regularily $5-$20 depending on the location and course. Some sessions are free. The costs are business write-offs.

    Where to take makeup classes?

    hello! i want to be a makeup artist, and i was wondering where i can take any classes/workshops etc on makeup. any help? (i am still in high school so i probably cant take any university classes.)Where to take makeup classes?
    you could try a beauty college if there is one around your area...
  • losing hair
  • Where can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?

    i know you cand take cosmotology classes but i dont want to deal with the hair aspect of it...just the makeup....any info will help...thanksWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    Try the yellow pagesWhere can i find a makeup/cosmetic school/classes in houston tx?
    When I lived in my hometown, I never recall seeing such a school.

    Go to some of the stores in the Galleria that sell make-up and ask for their suggestions.

    Good luck and eat some BBQ for me!

    Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?

    Sometimes make-up counters at the mall such as Clinique or Lancome offer makeovers to customers. The consultants take classes on how to apply make-up and they can offer really good tips and techniques.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    Most make-up brands offer classes. Try going to your fave brands website to see if they offer any courses in your area.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    dont know
    A beauty school, it would be a part of esthetics training
    A great place to look is at local community and technical colleges. Most have programs for hair and makeup

    Makeup/Hairdressing (Cosmetology) classes for teens during the summer? Connecticut?

    Does anyone know of any cosmetology classes during the summer that a teen could take as say a camp or anything such as? Or anything close to that? Thanks for the help!Makeup/Hairdressing (Cosmetology) classes for teens during the summer? Connecticut?
    Brio Academy of Cosmetology. The only one that a teenager can take is the makeup class. You would have to contact them in order to find out class times, etc.

    Where can i find free makeup classes?

    The cosmetic counters at the mall usually do free makeovers and show you how to apply it for free.Where can i find free makeup classes?
    I' m not sure where, but I'm know somewhere at your local mall. I can tell you how to apply make- up. It is easy, but it takes practice, because you don' t want to have on too much. You must ask a friend or family member what it looks like.


    (1. Wash, tone , and moisturize) (2. concealer) (3. foundation) (4. powder) (5. eyeshadow) (6. eyeliner) (7. mascara) (8. blush) (9. lip-liner) (10. lip gloss)

    If you need more info. go to your local mall to and they should give you a free make over. Ask questions and take notes!

    Hope I' ve been of assistance!

    Jassma_92@yahoo.comWhere can i find free makeup classes?
    Ulta 3 always has m/up demonstrations.
    The mall cosmetic counters can help, but remember everyone has their own style of applying makeup and every cosmetic counter has different ways of using their products. I used to work for 3 different cosmetic companys and they all trained their employees differently.
    Origins stores
    ask someone who wears makeup
    Call a Mary Kay Consultant near you and arrange a class. You get to earn free products too!!
    Mary Kay consultants are always having meetings where they do facials and make up consultations and they show you how to put it on and stuff, and how to paint your nails and do pedicures, and it's always free! You can even do it with your friends and earn free products. Go to to search for a consultant in your area. They would love to help you out!

    Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?

    Ok, in one of my classes at school, we are all going camping for 3 days, and were going up this friday (october 3), ok i know you really can't wear makeup while camping, but i guess i have low self confidence, and im going to be super embarrased not wearing it because im really pale from a sickness i have, and i have really dark circles under my eyes, and basically i really do not look decent without makeup (i get to the point were im so embarrased i can't look someone in the eyes while talking when im not wearing makeup) and im going with my class from school and two male teachers, so does anyone please have any suggestions on what i should do to not be so embarrased or look so pale or something, thanks if anyone could please help :)Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    I would recommend using a mineral loose powder and nothing else. Cover Girl's TruBlend mineral based loose powder more than likely will do the trick - there's mica in it which gives you a nice healthy looking glow. It also is buildable coverage which works great on dark undereye circles (better than any other mineral based/mineral loose powder foundation I've tried), probably because the mica reflects light (which is a lot more effective at erasing dark circles than just trying to bury them under enough foundation).Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    I've been on camping trips with my school and no body cares if someone is wearing makeup or not.
    camping make up=natural look

    just bring a concealer for zits and under your eyes, a powder to eliminate shine, a facial moisturizer with SPF, a waterproof mascara, and LIP BALM!! DO NOT FORGET THE LIP BALM!!!spf 15 or higher please.

    that's the way to go at camp lol
    You can still wear makeup if you're camping. I do it all the time when my boyfriend and I go camping in the summer. I just don't like my skin all the time, so I make sure to bring a good moisturizer with me (that really helps make my skin smoother and healthier), and apply maybe less makeup then usual, but I still do. They do have bathrooms at campsites, so you will be able to do this if you want.

    If you wear a lot of makeup, including mascara, eyeliner, etc, then skip that completely (you won't need it and it takes too much time to apply). Just wear foundation that will even out your skin tone. And don't worry, I'm sure you look fine. There's nothing wrong with being pale. Bring lots of sunscreen!
    Don't worry too much about it. Around a campfire everyone looks darker. But I wouldn't recommend holding a flashlight under your chin to tell ghost stories. =)
    Girl i go camping all the time!!! its okay to wear make up! all you need to do is to bring a mirror with you and make up remover wipes so it can get off easily. bring everything you would wear during school ( make-up wise) and put it on in the morning while everyone else is getting ready, or before everyone else is getting ready! :) and remember its okay to be yourself with or without makeup. ;-)
    I go camping all of the time! I also bring my make-up with me. You can do your make-up while camping. If there is a bathroom there do it when you go to brush your teeth or bring a compact mirror and do it in your tent. Its a little difficult to do it there, but it is do-able. So unless they have a rule that you are going all out with camping then by all means bring the make up. Also, I have the same problem...Im pasty and have had dark circles since i was 12, im 21 now. I used Avon Solutions Lighten up plus eye cream and my circles have gotten a lot less noticeable. You can get it at for 12$ As far as your pale complexion use a liquid foundation followed by a powder and then wipe the face down gently with a tissue. Hope this helps!
    You need to start loving yourself for who you really are. Stop hiding behind a make up. I doubt you horrible without a make up on.

    Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?

    Sometimes make-up counters at the mall such as Clinique or Lancome offer makeovers to customers. The consultants take classes on how to apply make-up and they can offer really good tips and techniques.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    Most make-up brands offer classes. Try going to your fave brands website to see if they offer any courses in your area.Where can you take classes for professional makeup application?
    dont know
    A beauty school, it would be a part of esthetics training
    A great place to look is at local community and technical colleges. Most have programs for hair and makeup
  • losing hair
  • Makeup/Hairdressing (Cosmetology) classes for teens during the summer? Connecticut?

    Does anyone know of any cosmetology classes during the summer that a teen could take as say a camp or anything such as? Or anything close to that? Thanks for the help!Makeup/Hairdressing (Cosmetology) classes for teens during the summer? Connecticut?
    Brio Academy of Cosmetology. The only one that a teenager can take is the makeup class. You would have to contact them in order to find out class times, etc.

    Where can i find free makeup classes?

    The cosmetic counters at the mall usually do free makeovers and show you how to apply it for free.Where can i find free makeup classes?
    I' m not sure where, but I'm know somewhere at your local mall. I can tell you how to apply make- up. It is easy, but it takes practice, because you don' t want to have on too much. You must ask a friend or family member what it looks like.


    (1. Wash, tone , and moisturize) (2. concealer) (3. foundation) (4. powder) (5. eyeshadow) (6. eyeliner) (7. mascara) (8. blush) (9. lip-liner) (10. lip gloss)

    If you need more info. go to your local mall to and they should give you a free make over. Ask questions and take notes!

    Hope I' ve been of assistance!

    Jassma_92@yahoo.comWhere can i find free makeup classes?
    Ulta 3 always has m/up demonstrations.
    The mall cosmetic counters can help, but remember everyone has their own style of applying makeup and every cosmetic counter has different ways of using their products. I used to work for 3 different cosmetic companys and they all trained their employees differently.
    Origins stores
    ask someone who wears makeup
    Call a Mary Kay Consultant near you and arrange a class. You get to earn free products too!!
    Mary Kay consultants are always having meetings where they do facials and make up consultations and they show you how to put it on and stuff, and how to paint your nails and do pedicures, and it's always free! You can even do it with your friends and earn free products. Go to to search for a consultant in your area. They would love to help you out!

    Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?

    Ok, in one of my classes at school, we are all going camping for 3 days, and were going up this friday (october 3), ok i know you really can't wear makeup while camping, but i guess i have low self confidence, and im going to be super embarrased not wearing it because im really pale from a sickness i have, and i have really dark circles under my eyes, and basically i really do not look decent without makeup (i get to the point were im so embarrased i can't look someone in the eyes while talking when im not wearing makeup) and im going with my class from school and two male teachers, so does anyone please have any suggestions on what i should do to not be so embarrased or look so pale or something, thanks if anyone could please help :)Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    I go camping all of the time! I also bring my make-up with me. You can do your make-up while camping. If there is a bathroom there do it when you go to brush your teeth or bring a compact mirror and do it in your tent. Its a little difficult to do it there, but it is do-able. So unless they have a rule that you are going all out with camping then by all means bring the make up. Also, I have the same problem...Im pasty and have had dark circles since i was 12, im 21 now. I used Avon Solutions Lighten up plus eye cream and my circles have gotten a lot less noticeable. You can get it at for 12$ As far as your pale complexion use a liquid foundation followed by a powder and then wipe the face down gently with a tissue. Hope this helps!Going camping with my class from school and obviously you can't wear makeup while camping but im super pale...?
    You can still wear makeup if you're camping. I do it all the time when my boyfriend and I go camping in the summer. I just don't like my skin all the time, so I make sure to bring a good moisturizer with me (that really helps make my skin smoother and healthier), and apply maybe less makeup then usual, but I still do. They do have bathrooms at campsites, so you will be able to do this if you want.

    If you wear a lot of makeup, including mascara, eyeliner, etc, then skip that completely (you won't need it and it takes too much time to apply). Just wear foundation that will even out your skin tone. And don't worry, I'm sure you look fine. There's nothing wrong with being pale. Bring lots of sunscreen!
    Girl i go camping all the time!!! its okay to wear make up! all you need to do is to bring a mirror with you and make up remover wipes so it can get off easily. bring everything you would wear during school ( make-up wise) and put it on in the morning while everyone else is getting ready, or before everyone else is getting ready! :) and remember its okay to be yourself with or without makeup. ;-)
    camping make up=natural look

    just bring a concealer for zits and under your eyes, a powder to eliminate shine, a facial moisturizer with SPF, a waterproof mascara, and LIP BALM!! DO NOT FORGET THE LIP BALM!!!spf 15 or higher please.

    that's the way to go at camp lol
    I've been on camping trips with my school and no body cares if someone is wearing makeup or not.
    I would recommend using a mineral loose powder and nothing else. Cover Girl's TruBlend mineral based loose powder more than likely will do the trick - there's mica in it which gives you a nice healthy looking glow. It also is buildable coverage which works great on dark undereye circles (better than any other mineral based/mineral loose powder foundation I've tried), probably because the mica reflects light (which is a lot more effective at erasing dark circles than just trying to bury them under enough foundation).
    You need to start loving yourself for who you really are. Stop hiding behind a make up. I doubt you horrible without a make up on.
    Don't worry too much about it. Around a campfire everyone looks darker. But I wouldn't recommend holding a flashlight under your chin to tell ghost stories. =)

    Where can i take classes online to become a professional makeup artist?

    Makeup is a really kinsthetic art, so you need hands-on training and experience (which is something you can't really do over the net). Read Kevyn Aucoin's books on makeup and then enroll in a school near you.Where can i take classes online to become a professional makeup artist?
    I doubt that you can online... people need to see how well you do makeup, and they can't see you applying it over the internet.
    try to find a local community college. they normally have a cosmotology school and they offer differrent classes you can take. you dont have to take a hair class where i go, but you can take a nail class and makeup classes
    Nope. Go to a beauty school near you. It doesn't take long for you to get a degree either. Good luck!
    Can't take those classes online, but most places have a local cosmetology school. Just search the yellow pages in your area.
    no in order to work as a make up artist In at least 48 states you must have a degree and lineinse ( sorry spelling) from an Accredited cosmetology school, and then you have to pass state boards.

    Trust me, I've been it the make up artist world for 10 years, and most of time you have to be willing and bale to do hair as well.

    Good Luck

    What high school classes do I need to take to become a makeup artist?

    Also any really good schools for makeup artistry? Preferably in BC/Alberta, Canada. What high school classes do I need to take to become a makeup artist?
    the only school i could find for makeup artistry was in vancouver. sorry鈥?/a>

    looks like a pretty good school though

    for the classes, i don't think they have those kinds of classes in high school. if you want to be a makeup artist for shows, then join something like drama or theatre because they'll probably have you applying makeup and stuff.

    hope i helped

    Im trying to find makeup artist classes in chicago area. Does anyone know of any?

    They can be online courses as wellIm trying to find makeup artist classes in chicago area. Does anyone know of any?
    HEY.....i use to live in Chicago but know any...sorry!...check google or ask around =)Im trying to find makeup artist classes in chicago area. Does anyone know of any?
    Well, there's and there's a school called AVEDA or somthing like that- all i did was search on google and Yahoo!. hope this helped.. Report Abuse
  • losing hair
  • I wanna find professional makeup classes?

    hello me to find out makeup classes in mubai or in india too. i wanna be makeup artist. i like mickey contractor makeup. but i can't find which makeup classes he did? if he has any makeup classes in plz let me know websit. if you guys know anything abt this indrusti let me know.

    i wanna make my career. if you have any information out of india or in usa sent me plz. thank you so muchI wanna find professional makeup classes?
    I had earlier searched and contacted some makeup artists in Mumbai. I also want to learn makeup artistry. The fees is around Rs. 10000 to 15000. If you are interested, we can negotiate with them to reduce the fees. Please let me know your contact details. My email address is

    Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?

    Yes, would you like examples?Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?
    Yes, there's a few.

    Washington DC

    Raleigh, NC

    Charlotte, NC

    Richmond, VA

    Columbus, OH

    Obviously there's poverty in those cities like anywhere else, but the majority of people in those cities, black or white, are usually middle class.

    Riverside Terrace in Houston, TX is over 60% black and it's an expensive upper middle class neighborhood.Are there any upper-class towns or cities in the U.S. where the racial makeup is predominantly Black?
    Martha's Vineyard is one of the traditional resorts of the country's African-American upper class. Due to a long history of racial harmony on the island, many black families started vacationing there a century ago. The center of black culture on Martha's Vineyard is the town of Oak Bluffs, where many affluent African American families own houses. Its main beach has been dubbed ';The Inkwell'; by African-American residents.

    I believe Prince Georges County is one. There are a bunch of them in Alanta and some in Chicago. The are areas in Detroit.
    What point are you trying to make?

    I don't really get how lip gloss can be classed as makeup?

    I don't really see how lip gloss can be classed as makeup.

    People are always saying go for a natural makeup look and just wear lip gloss. But come on it's hardly makeup, lip stick is but lip gloss - come on!

    Yeah i know it looks pretty - i use it all the time, but i don't get how it's classed as makeupI don't really get how lip gloss can be classed as makeup?
    yeah i don't get it either :)xI don't really get how lip gloss can be classed as makeup?
    Makeup is really a product that ';makes up'; your face to look better. I believe lipgloss does that so sure i believe its makeup.

    As for vaseline, if you use it as some form of lip balm and it makes up your face..then sure (but ofcourse thats not its designed purpose)
    Because it's a product that enhances your features. Lip gloss IS make up, same as clear mascara, same as face powder, same as nude eyeshadow.
    It just is lol

    its classed as make-up caus you can get so many diff shades out of it like lipstick

    This question confused me lol_x
    because it isnt natural and is stuff your buy from companys that sell make up, its also really only because it is the only class it fits in
    I can really see how this could be keeping you awake at night with worry. Maybe try using it every OTHER day at first to try and wean yourself off and also consider going to your GP for tranquilisers.

    Hope I helped!
    Make up is something you put on to make yourself look better..

    Lip gloss makes youu look better so its make up?

    Thats the only exolanation I can come up with!
    Its not part of your natural face, you apply it, therefore it's make-up.
    what else is it going to be classed as??

    it creates a gloss on your lips, or helps protect lips. so therefore i is makeup!
    yes it can be classed as make up, because lip gloss can finish Any look u choose!

    Is it possible to take classes to be a makeup artist without learning about anything else?

    I'd like to take classes to be a makeup artist but I've heard that if you do that you also have to learn about doing nails and hair. I'm really not interested in doing those things at all. Can I possibly take a class that only teaches makeup without having to learn about hair and nails?

    Thank you for any information.Is it possible to take classes to be a makeup artist without learning about anything else?
    There are some beauty schools that are specifically for makeup and nothing else. In the LA area, there is one school called MUD (I think it's in the NYC area as well) that is specifically makeup, but you can take a class to learn how to style hair as well. If you want to be a professional makeup artist, it might be a good idea to have at least a little bit of experience in hair too because it gives you an edge. You're a lot more desirable for photo shoots and everything because you're the perfect package, makeup AND hair. Good luck!

    Would my makeup smear in gym class?

    also-in my q i put 'u asked' i meant 'i asked'.Would my makeup smear in gym class?
    If it's just eye makeup, it shouldn't smear unless you sweat around your eyes or you have a habit or rubbing them.

    To keep it looking as fresh as possible, though, use an eyeshadow primer (Urban Decay Primer Potion is my favourite) or you can use waterproof makeup.Would my makeup smear in gym class?
    r u an idiot......well duh..... u sweat and then stuff that is on your face will no longer be on your face anymore!!
    it depends if its water proof... theres this spray my friend has, it only costs 5 bucks and it prevents running and stuff like that
    Most likely. Foundation usually gets all shiny. Mascara can run a bit.
    Why would you wear makeup in gym class?

    Will my makeup smear in gym class?

    its just stick eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara.Will my makeup smear in gym class?
    I would get waterproof mascara and eyeliner :) don't worry about eyeshadow.

    Lashblash Waterproof is really good, and my favorite waterproof eyeliner is urban decay 24/7 eyeliner but thats WAY too expensive, and I like the covergirl outlast liners :)Will my makeup smear in gym class?
    what is the brand of your makeup?If it's waterproof then it won't smear unless you sweat a lot. If you don't really perspire then even if it's not waterproof then it won't really smear. Eyeliners and mascara are the makeups that you have to watch for when you're on gym.That is what smears often. If I was you just stick with lipgloss /lipstick/lipbalm and facepowder (with foundation if you're brave enough and da foundation is good),with a bit of blush if you want.Don't overdo because you are doing gym..
    last year i had gym class at the end of the day so i was just going home but i had dance in the morning... i would suggest waterproof mascara and if you're wearing foundation you might want to re-powder at the end of class (to get rid of shine). my eyeliner usually rubs off even if its waterproof but as long as you don't rub your face/ eyes you should be just fine :)
    well it depends what the quality you foundation and if you use a primer, i would recomend cliniques superfit foundation, its what i use and it doesnt smear at all. as for a primer i cant recommend any becasue i havent come across one that i like. sorry
    It depends on the make up. If it's waterproof, most likely it won't, however chances are if you're running around getting sweaty, you're bound to wipe your face so I would say yes.
    Depends on the quality of make up, and how active you're going to be because your sweat might affect it
    it's good your wearing make up now cuz your hideous.
    jst fix it after and dnt wear that base sh!t it make u look fake
  • losing hair
  • Can you take makeup classes?

    I want to learn how to apply makeup and look nice for once in my life. I have no idea where to go though. Help!Can you take makeup classes?
    Just for application techniques, you can visit your local Sephora or Dept. store counter and their artists can teach you how to apply makeup. You can also purchase some really good books, I know of a couple. One being by Laura Mercier and another by Bobbi Brown.

    If you are into this to get a career, then you can check into your local community college or find a ';beauty school'; where you can take aesthetics courses to earn your license in aesthetics. It's costly but you'll become a professional makeup artist then.

    Good Luck!Can you take makeup classes?
    College lessons
    yes you can get you a class in call a cos mics consultant
    Besides cosmetology school you can get tips from a professional beauty consultant. Such as a Mary Kay, Avon, Mark, or an Aloette beauty representative. You may even try getting a job at a makeup counter helping such as Clinique, Lancome, or Estee Lauder at your mall.

    its called beauty boot going to one in january!!!yays!

    x x x
    you can take classes at a local college or university, it's called cosmetology, check to see if your school or a nearby one offers the course. good luck!
    i think you can take some for beauty school
    well it depends were u lieve search in yellowpages that can help u put makeup artist or cosmetalogy

    am goin 2 makeup skoo but since am still a minor am 17 they dnt acdept me in all skoos i can b 17 but have 2 have a high skoo diploma n am still in skoo am a jr diz yr but i find a skoo n i have 2 wait n they told me the'll call meuntill 2008 or 2009 long time form noe n theyll show me everything. if am still a student goin 2 high skoo thell charge me ceaper n they tols me if i wuz goin right now i had 2 pay $650 since am a student n for people tahst arnt in high skoo they pay $850 buy prices change over the yr so maybe n 1 or 2 yrs its gonna b like almost $1000
    yep they have classes. my sis once did an asian beauty class for a month and she learnt on to put makeup on asian brides. wherever u are just search up a makeup class in ur area, ur bound to find one.
    I believe you could probably take Makeup and Cosmetic classes at a Cosmotology school, or possibly even an Art school.
    Another idea you could consider is to ask a Body Shop or Mary Kay consultant to come to your house and facilitate a ';makeup'; party that would include applications. This could be a lot of fun with some girlfriends and appetizers. I also like the book called Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin. It received 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon. You might also ask your hair stylist if he/she can recommend anyone.

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    2morrow our class has a hair and makeup day party which means we can do anything?

    plz give me some suggestions and exaclty how to do it here2morrow our class has a hair and makeup day party which means we can do anything?
    hmm...i say jus buy som of those hairspray that makes ur hair a different color...its lik haircolor, but in a spray frineds buy som fun colors for crazy hair day at out school...theres colors lik pink, blue, purple, green, and even glitter...i guess thats a fun way to do ur hair, jus by sprayin hairspray color on ur hair. nd it comes off by jus showerin...2morrow our class has a hair and makeup day party which means we can do anything?
    make your hair look really messy or big, like this.鈥?/a>

    don't forget eyeliner.
    check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-鈥?/a>

    check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-鈥?/a>

    Special effects makeup classes in Los Angeles?

    I am looking for a special effects makeup class in the Los Angeles area that offers evening and weekend classes. If it is in the evening it would have to be on the west side. I want to learn everything from period makeup to prosthetics. Thank you!Special effects makeup classes in Los Angeles?
    Make-Up Designory is in LA - or Great school and they do special effects makeup classes.

    Makeup for senior class pictures?

    I don't know what color eye liner and mascara to use. I don't usually wear makeup. How would it look, I have hazel eyes anddark blonde hair, almost brown.... My hair is long, should I curl or straighten it?? Please %26amp; thank you:)Makeup for senior class pictures?
    You should go for a bit more makeup then your daily basis look. go for black mascara and black eyeliner. if you want some eyeshadow, go for brown colors. wave out your hair so you dont have to decide between curling or straightening =)Makeup for senior class pictures?
    Hair: Depends if it's thick, how it's cut and what it is natually. If it has layers, then maybe stick straight, if it's just kinda lifeless or messy, curly or curl it with a straightener for wispy waves.

    Makeup: I can't see you so I wouldn't be too sure, but black or brown eyeliner compliments anybody. If you small eyes, line the outer rim of your eyes in black or brown, and line in inner rim (waterline) with white eyeliner. If you have big eyes (lucky thing!) the line the waterline with black or brown to define the eyes. Use a few coats of mascara to make lashes stand out in a picture, may i recommend covergirl exact eyelights? It supposedly makes your eyes shine. Make sure to curl lashes! With you skin, most things won't show up on a picture, unless it's something really noticable (zit?). If there is, cover it up a bit, and if you have an oily face, make sure to make it shine free with blotting sheets and some matte face powder.For lips, find a shade that compliments your skin tone, then add a coat of clear lipgloss over it.

    Really hope this helps! Good luck!
    i have the same problem, i dont know how i want to look for my senior pic. But since you usually dont wear makeup, you should just do something simple like black mascara and black liquid eyeliner. oh and definetly straighen your hair. Hope i helped you!

    Does anyone know of any makeup training classes that I could attend to get cerfitication in makeup?

    I want to be make-up artist but I can't seem to find any classes. I live in cincinnati, ohio. And most of that classes are in big cities like Los Angles and New york, where fashion and make-up is really big. I want to be a professional makeup artist but I don't know where to begin.Does anyone know of any makeup training classes that I could attend to get cerfitication in makeup?
    This isn't really becoming a make up artist, but may give you a step in that direction...there is a company out of Australia who's US corporate office is in Cincinnati...I am considering a position with them...The makeup line is called NVEY....You would be selling the product (think Mary Kay)....I am still up in the air about doing it or not, but you can have a look and see what you think about it....Does anyone know of any makeup training classes that I could attend to get cerfitication in makeup?
    If you take an esthetician course not only will you learn about skincare, which is the basis for all good makeup...but you will learn about makeup artistry and techniques. Look up beauty schools in your area, they are everywhere...or befriend a drag queen...heehee! They ALWAYS have the best ideas!!

    yes,just use ur imagination and try it.You don't have to ask me to tell you that
  • losing hair
  • I have a class reunion coming up. I have chose an orange dress wondering what color jewelry & eye makeup >

    My eyes are green with a hint of hazel around the pupil. I want a subtle look because with my hair and the color of the dress is pretty flashy. Also any hints on jewelry. The dress is battenburg lace.I have a class reunion coming up. I have chose an orange dress wondering what color jewelry %26amp; eye makeup %26gt;
    be careful. don't over do it. i use gold shimmer eyeshadow by bare minerals. that looks really nice with brown mascara. avoid eyeliner if you do choose this or else it will be to much. jewelry should be minimal. depending on a neckline of your dress, go with a simple gold necklace and or a nice simple brown or gold bracelet. keep your shoes simple too. remember less is really more. good luck!I have a class reunion coming up. I have chose an orange dress wondering what color jewelry %26amp; eye makeup %26gt;
    Brown eye makeup. Silver jewelery...
    absolutly gold please anything else would be murder to fashion :)
    Makeup, i'd go with a smokey eye. The gold just seems too much. Kinnda like this (except instead of using silvery tones use, brownish tones)鈥?/a>

    For jewelry keep it simple and sleek like simple hoops, and a sublte neclace...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    do all gold. silver would just look tacky. try a light shimmery gold on your eyes and maybe a little lip gloss. makeup should be minimal because the dress will stand out enough.
    Ok lets see my eyes are hazel too alot of bronzes browns golds and green go good with that. For jewlrey Im thinking golds to. DO you have shoes?? Flats or heels?
    Gold always goes with orange and neutral makeup. Orange like you said is flashy so the makeup would be more earth tones with shimmer.

    That is what I would do. My eyes are Hazel to so that is what I stick to. It always brings them out :)

    Have fun!!
    Green and Blue...Classy
    I would be different look for something thats orange or white or both. Sometimes gold is gaudy and silver is inappropriate so try a more eccentric look. Try to find a simple but fashionable jewelery set. Earrings, neckalace and bracelet. Then for your make up wear a natural look. With nudes and beiges maybe some white and then just some clear or pinkish lipgloss to add a nice finish

    Anyone in the Chicagoland area know where I can take classes in makeup artistry?

    If you have taken classes in this, or know someone who has, can you please tell me where the class was/how good it was?

    I know that I could just look in the phonebook, but I'd like to know people's personal experiences with places, please!

    Thank you!Anyone in the Chicagoland area know where I can take classes in makeup artistry?
    Try Aveda on Clark StreetAnyone in the Chicagoland area know where I can take classes in makeup artistry?
    I think you can take theater makeup classes..
    try the junior colleges and try the discovery center as well.

    If you get up in front of people for a public speaking class will the intense lights show makeup on your nose?

    It only would if your makeup isnt blended into your skin. If it is, i doubt itll be visible at allIf you get up in front of people for a public speaking class will the intense lights show makeup on your nose?
    sure it's uncomfortable,i alway flush crimson .

    After gym class makeup\refresher?

    I always spend a very good amount on my hair and face, but i need a little help after gym..

    I have gym\P.E 5th period (last class of the day), and then for the other half of the year i have gym\P.E 1st period (first class of the day).

    I come in school - all fresh and clean, and by 2nd period i'm all disgusting. My makeup sometimes even runs and my face gets shiny.

    I'm going to bring eye makeup remover just to clean my eyes up, foundation to help my skin, lip gloss and a hair brush.

    Do you think that's all i need?

    Any tips for my hair or face?

    (We only have LIMITED time to get ready and head to 2nd period or go home. Last year i didn't fix my makeup and i looked pretty bad, this year i don't want that to happen at all.)After gym class makeup\refresher?
    make sure u dress really fast

    if u wear sweatpants, wear jeans under it

    and wear ur shirt under ur p.e shirtAfter gym class makeup\refresher?
    get some oil blotting sheets. those do wonders. two kinds i know are elf's shine erasers (go to and orer online) or clean and clear oil absorbing sheets (go to any drugstore, skin care section)
    I sometimes just end up beginning on sale and using tons products. Do what seems right and Im pretty sure your instinct will be best. I read reviews at
    I had that same exact prob. Mine was 2nd all year.

    You could wait till after second and do your make-up then. Thats what I did, it feels fresher than re-applying.

    My friends system worked too, she just splashed her face with cold water, and patted it dry w/ a paper towel. Then lightly reapplied here foundation/and or powder.

    All she would do was put on light eyeliner in the morning (that way it didn't run) and then put on a heavier coat %26amp; masscara after gym.
    I'd suggest taking waterproof products that won't melt when you sweat, and lots of blotting paper. When you've blotted, press on some powder where you need it (probs T zone) and reapply any eyeliner/shadow/gloss if you need to. If it's all dripped down your face, it might be sensible to take it all off and just put on some concealer and mascara quickly.
    I would recommend that you keep your hair in a pony tail during gym to keep it from getting too gross. Have some hair gel and extra hair accessories in your locker at all times. Things like elastics, ribbon, bobby pins, barrettes, and products. Always have deodorant on you at all times. Pack a scented body mist or fresh perfume. You definitely need the makeup remover pads on you. I suggest for makeup pressed powder, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipgloss. You could even not use the eyeliner, if you are in a crunch. Keep lotion in the locker too, you may need it. I also recommend a face towel. Hope you stay clean!

    I just became a licens esthetician,what should be my next step?i thought of taking a nail class or makeup?

    you can take makeup classes or get into a makeup store and learn from them to save yourself the money. Get with a store that has a Salon inside also so that you can have the best of both worlds. Like Aveda, or Faces. They are really good and focuses on all aspects of skin care and beauty. Good luck!! I just got licensed not to long ago too.I just became a licens esthetician,what should be my next step?i thought of taking a nail class or makeup?
    makeup class. benefits better in the long run.I just became a licens esthetician,what should be my next step?i thought of taking a nail class or makeup?
    Take make up class to keep going in the same direction.

    Where can I find free makeup classes in the Atlanta,Georgia area?

    my mom wants us to take some makeup classes so we can do makeup that is more profesional looking. please help me!

    :))Where can I find free makeup classes in the Atlanta,Georgia area?
    To my knowledge there aren't any free make up classes unless you count youtube. You can always go to a counter that you like (fav make up brand in the mall) and ask them about certain things, they will show you for free.
  • losing hair
  • Are there any type class things that teach you how to do your hair and makeup?

    Beauty school! You learn on your own hair and face and also other peoples hair face. And you do it to a doll.Are there any type class things that teach you how to do your hair and makeup?
    not that I know of...

    go to youtube.. they have millions of videos from people teaching how to do hair, make up


    Can someone direct me where to find a Makeup artistry classes in the south suburbs of chicago?

    Just a makeup school.Can someone direct me where to find a Makeup artistry classes in the south suburbs of chicago?
    A really great school for that is Pivot Point.. They have a location in Schaumburg and in Chicago and a couple more I'm sure..I was going to go there for the same thing!! heres the link