Thursday, December 3, 2009

For a stage makeup class I have to make someone look like an inanamite object. Any ideas?

I can't think of anything!For a stage makeup class I have to make someone look like an inanamite object. Any ideas?
For some reason this question made me think of that optical illusion where you shift focus from two faces to a vase.

It may help to look at and focus on the overall shapes faces come in and depending on who you're using as a model maybe there is a resemblance that will facilitate coming up with a successful object to turn them into.For a stage makeup class I have to make someone look like an inanamite object. Any ideas?
glossy makeup for the china doll look
Haha thats cool!

Hmmm, an 'apple' make then red, and then if its a guy, spay paint there hair brown, if its a girl make there hair stick straight up with hair spray,and spray it brown aha with of course halloween hair spray

Good Luck!
Well, I did a tea bag once out of my son. He was a really BIG tea bag.

A rock or boulder would be good.

It's easy to build a lightweight framework that can easily cover the entire body to make the rock. You can get mesh to see through that will look ok as part of a rock. and there are materials used by hunters to conceal themselves in the woods that can be used to make it look like there are leaves on the rock/boulder.

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