Thursday, December 3, 2009

How can i do my makeup after swimming class?

my makeup looks good when i put it on,

its waterproof, but whenever i go swimming,

it turns out me looking like

a raccoon! my skin gets REALLY chapped

after i swim, and i only use eyeliner, but after swimming,

it looks horrible. but im not willing to stop wearing makeup.



BEING ABLE TO USE MAKEUP AFTER SWIMMING PERIOD!How can i do my makeup after swimming class?
First off, i hear you! I swim a couple times a week for work, and i know all those problems.

As far as makeup in the pool (as much as you don't want to hear this) you should probubly just go without. Every ';waterproof'; makeup will not withstand chemicals in the pool. Even in natural water, the amount of rubbing, and water being splashed in the eyes, is too much for even expensive mascaras/eyeliners.

Try wiping your eye makeup off before you get in the pool (use a makeup removing cloth - it will keep your eyes from getting red.)

Once you're in the pool and wet, make up isnt noticed.

As far as after - moisturize moisturize! Use 2 different kinds, one specifically for face (its lighter and won't clog pores) then a body butter for the rest of your body. That will keep the chapped skin away.

For makeup, start with a foundation. It will smooth out all the damage done by being in the pool. (chemicals are hard on it!) Give your eyes at least a 10 minute break before you apply your eyeliner, and stick to a stick (avoid liquid liner). Talk to someone at your makeup counter about a 'good one'. Cheap makeup is usualy cheap for a reason.

Hope this helps. :)How can i do my makeup after swimming class?
im on the swim team so i swim every day. just make sure you apply lotion liberally and some mascara
My skin gets chapped, too. Its awful! This works for me:

Buy a really gentle cleanser- I love the Lavender face %26amp; hand soap by J/A/S/O/N (found at walgreens). Its the best i've ever used. When you get done with swimming wash your face with this cleanser to remove the chlorine and apply Clinique Moisture On-Line. Its expensive- like $40, but it is worth every cent. Then re-apply your makeup.

To avoid raccoon eyes, use a makeup remover and take your eye makeup off completely before swimming. An alternative is having your eyelashes dyed. It works great!! A high-end salon in your area offers eyelash tinting- but call around- I've seen it from $20 to $75 near me. They can dye your lashes black to look like you're wearing mascara. I have my lashes and brows dyed every summer for $30.

If your face STILL chaps after that Clinique- you may have to rub vaseline over your face before swimming- It will provide intensive moisture and block the water from touching your skin. Wash your face well after class. You may not need the moisturizer after vaseline. If the lavender soap doesn't take the vaseline off, wash your skin with Dawn dish soap (sounds weird but will cut the grease).
Take off your makeup before swimming, and then put it back on afterwards. That way, you can wear the makeup before and after swimming, but you won't get raccoon-eyes. There are some great products out there for easy removal, like moistened pads. They're easy and very effective.

Get a good moisturizer to use to restore your skin after you swim so it doesn't become chapped..
Make sure you rinse/wash your face, use moisturizer, and then you can use some extra moisturizer on some tissue to clean off the smeared part of the eyeliner.

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